What library services are available for Clemson alumni?


Clemson Libraries are pleased to provide services to former students of Clemson University and to residents of South Carolina.

Alumni and community patrons are eligible to borrow materials and make use of computers in our facilities. Find out how to get a library card, pick up and return materials, and what to do if library materials are lost or damaged by going to the link below.

Unfortunately, due to our licensing agreements, the Libraries are not able to provide access to our online resources for those who are not current Clemson students, faculty, or staff. 

However, your state library has public access to many databases they you can access. While they may not be the same databases, you can find out which ones are available by just googling STATE LIBRARY <name of state> to find the information.

  • Last Updated Oct 04, 2023
  • Views 848
  • Answered By Anne Grant

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