Does the library charge fines if items are returned after their due date?


Clemson University Libraries are fine free on most items, effective 1/1/2022. This means that we will no longer charge overdue fines on books, CDs, DVDs, and other regular circulating materials that are considered part of our main or children’s collections. Certain specialty items such as library technology, interlibrary loans, testing materials, reserves, and Park Passes will continue to accrue fines. Item replacement fees and recall fees will also remain.

This change is a part of an institutional movement from libraries nationwide, guided by the recommendations of the American Library Association, in an effort to increase access to library services. By eliminating most fines, our library is removing barriers and making access easier, more equitable, and enjoyable for everyone.


Will my books still have due dates?

Yes, library items will still have due dates and still need to be returned or renewed on time so they are available for the next person to use. Be on the look-out for courtesy library notifications in your email regarding due dates, and you can take a look at your checked-out items and due dates in your Library Account.

What happens if I don’t return my items on time?

At 6 weeks past your due date you will receive a replacement charge and your account will be blocked from checking out additional materials. For most items, the replacement charge is $100 and you can find more detailed breakdowns on our Borrowing Privileges page. Habitual overdue offenders may be contacted by library staff regarding reduced or limited library privileges.

What if I already have overdue fines?

You can have existing Fall 2021 semester overdue daily fines waived on many items* by bringing food donations to the Services Desk at Cooper Library through January 7, 2022. All non-perishable food items will be accepted and donations will benefit the Paw Pantry campus food bank.

*Overdue fees cannot be waived on library technology, reserves, interlibrary loans, testing materials, or Park Passes. Item replacement fees also cannot be waived.

  • Last Updated Mar 29, 2024
  • Views 39
  • Answered By Anne Grant

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